Today was a great day on RAGBRAI. It was supposed to be the shortest mileage day, but a few of us decided to ride extra miles, go off-route, and stay in a motel tonight.
We woke up in a beautiful apple orchard, probably the most beautiful overnight stay we've had in many a year on RAGBRAI. I got to ride out to Mt. Vernon with my buddy Danny Dunn, a beautiful and fun ride. In Mt. Vernon, Doc, Barbara, Kendra, Mike and I headed off-route on hwy 1 to Martelle, then to Morley, and to Olin and Wyoming and Monmouth, and finally up to Maquoketa (which means "there are bears").
The official RAGBRAI overnight town was Anamosa, where the national motorcycle museum is located. Bev and I spent a day there before I started riding the bicycle. They have a fantastic collection of motorcycles, over 350 of them.
We stayed in the fabulous Decker Hotel, built in 1875. We met Barbara's brother Bill and Susan in the hotel bar and ate a great dinner with everyone in the hotel restaurant. No roughing it tonight !!